About the Wheel of the Year

Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year is an 8-Spoke Map which guides us through the changing of the seasons.
The progression of birth, life, death and rebirth is echoed in the progression of the seasons as natural processes follow a continuous cycle.

The Wheel of the Year represents the full cycle of the earth's seasons and their impact on light, weather, heat and productivity of the land. The 8 Phases come from a combination of the harvest, fire, and solar festivals from ancient Romans, Greeks, Celts and Germanic cultures of northern Europe.
Each of the 8 phases are called sabbats, these seasonal sabbats mark the changing of the seasons, track the passage of time, changes of the Sun, and symbolize the effect of change on farming, the creation process, spirituality and everyday life.
The ancient cultures of northern Europe were deeply connected to the cycles and rhythms of nature, changes the in light and the Earth’s shifts and cycles throughout the growing season.
Wheel of the Year
Fusing ancient Western spirituality, energy work, and psychology, the Wheel of the Year teaches us that life, as with everything, moves forward. Each season, we are given the opportunity of change, rebirth, and regrowth. The Wheel of the Year is a practical guide to personal transformation season by season. We develop an intimate connection with the earth's impulse to create balance and harmony. 

There is so much wisdom to learn from the earth by honoring and paying more attention to the seasons. Not only can honoring the seasons help you to feel connected and in-tune with nature and the cycles of life, but it can help to deeply understand and connect with your true self.
No affiliation with any specific religious beliefs are necessary to observe The Wheel of the Year and honor the wisdom of the earth's changing seasons.