Follow The Wheel of The Year Season by Season

I provide inspiring content and products for creating a path that is in balance with the energies of nature and the wheel of the year.
Clearing energy and transforming a space dissolves negative energies that weigh us down. The goal is to clear the cobwebs from the brain to achieve balance with nature and the universe by following the wheel of the year season by season.

Book of Shadows Art Pages
I create Book of Shadows art pages that are exclusively designed using my original spells and rituals. The information contained on each page is a result of thorough research, years of practice and my own experiences. I create colorful art pages with borders. I also create a simplified monochromatic version with no borders. The information is the same on both page styles.


A Book of Shadows (BOS), also known as a Grimoire, is a collection of unique pages detailing a range of reference information from lists of lunar phases to herbs, crystals, color correspondences, sabbats, recipes, rituals and spells. It is a chronicle where to record and keep the accumulated knowledge in one place, making it an essential tool in guiding us on the path of the wheel of the year season by season.

Book of Shadows art pages are now available for sale in MY SHOP!
Brooms I make brooms from fallen tree branches, broom corn and embellish with stones and charms.
Smudge Fans I make smudge fans from turkey feathers and embellish them with leather and stones.