Author Archives: Forest Shadow

March Full Moon III

Posted in Book of Shadows, Esbets | Leave a comment

Ostara – The Spring Equinox III

Posted in Book of Shadows, Sabbats | Leave a comment

Spell to Stop Gossip II (Monochromatic)


Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment

Moon Water II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Moon Magic, Spells | 2 Comments

Sun Water II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment

Repel Negative Energy Spell Jar II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment

Home Protection Spell Jar II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment

Capture Negative Energy Sleep Spell II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment

Apple Protection Spell II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment

Speed Healing Spell II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Spells | Leave a comment