Author Archives: Forest Shadow

Beltane III

Posted in Book of Shadows, Sabbats | Leave a comment

The Tarot

Posted in Book of Shadows, Divination, Recent Posts, Tarot | Leave a comment

April Full Moon IV

Posted in Book of Shadows, Esbets | Leave a comment

Beltane Ritual II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Correspondences, Elements & Symbols | Leave a comment

Full Moon Ritual II (Monochromatic)

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Spirit II (Monochromatic)

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Earth Element II (Monochromatic)

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Water Element II (Monochromatic)

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Fire Element II (Monochromatic)

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Air Element II (Monochromatic)

Posted in Book of Shadows III Monochromatic, Correspondences, Elements & Symbols | Leave a comment